Monday, September 25, 2017

How Swami Rajneesh make profit from osho cocom goa project.

I got some more secret information about Swami Rajneesh. he has already done and earn lot of profit in name of OSHO COCOM GOA. rajneesh purchased all second hand and wastage material. 

1) He got a villa on rent 1000$ per month in GOA. in this villa, 10-11 peoples was staying. rajneesh charge the rent to each person   150-160$ per month.
2) He brought second hand vehicles-
   3 bicycle -  40-50$
   2 bike -       860 $
   1 zen car-   2600$
   1 scorpio four wheeler - 8000$
   1 four wheeler - 20000$ (he didn't pay for this vehicle. he took loan this vehicle in name of swami anurag. swami anurag paid all loan money for this vehicle )
   1 four wheeler - 6000$
he also earn money by give on rent scooter 3-4$ per day to his followers. later he has sold out all these vehicle in profile prices. so he got business from these vehicles
3)  he brought wastage bamboo 1 truck of  2000$. ply board wood 1/2 truck of 4-5000$. plants of 20000$. plants didn't get waste. he has sold out all plants in good profile.
4) stone of welcome note 2000$. he didn't buy any other stones. he show the picture of stores on website of other owner.

most of the material he has ship to mexico.
He applied for application of project for just formality to show in eyes of other peoples. but he never get any NOC and license for any type of construction work in project.

i have also talk to one more real estate company who has just complete his project in same area of cocom (QUEPEM)-
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